Build & Deploy Full-stack AI from Replit

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Replit Build Instructions

Need more help? Reach out over email or join our Discord.

Set your Steamship API key in Replit
Get your API key here, then add it as a secret named STEAMSHIP_API_KEY in Replit.
Find the Python class in
Your API lives inside The template already contains a working prompt that runs with user input.
Click Replit's Run button to try it
Your API is just Python. You can run it right and see the results right from your editor.
Deploy to share with the world
When you deploy your API, we"ll generate a web interface and HTTP endpoints for you.

How to Deploy

Need more help? Reach out over email or join our Discord.

Name your package and set your version

In your project"s steamship.json file, set the handle field to a unique name. Only lowercase letters and dashes, please!

Set your version

In your project"s steamship.json file, set the version field using semver-style (1.2.3).

Run 'ship deploy'

Your Replit comes with a pre-configured shell. Open the shell and type ship deploy.

Share the results

When deployment succeeds, you'll see a URL that lets anyone try your API on the web or use it over HTTP.